Available the video of our talk at #XIVJornadasCCNCERT: "5G: Certification of its security in Europe"

19 January 2021

The @CCNCERT has just published the full video of the talk “”5G: Certification of its security in Europe” that we gave in #XIVJornadasCCNCERT.

Layakk will give the talk "5G: Certification of its security in Europe" at XIV JORNADAS STIC CCN-CERT

19 January 2021

A peek into the future of 5G security certifications in our talk “5G: Certification of its security in Europe” at #XIVJornadasCCNCERT of @CCNCERT on Dec. 2nd. #FollowTheGreenPolo #5g

Layakk, as a laboratory accredited under ENECSTI, gives a seminar on COMMON CRITERIA and LINCE certifications in the Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence (MUCC) of the Universitat Politècnica de València  (UPV).

We were present at the XIII Jornadas STIC CCN-CERT with the talk “5G: Mitos y leyendas”.

After getting our ISO17025 acreditation, issued by ENAC, and having passed the audit process of CCN’s Certification Authority, Layakk becomes a Information Technology Security Evaluation Facility to perform IT security evaluations according to LINCE methodology (“Metodología de Evaluación para la Certificación Nacional Esencial de Seguridad) within the National IT Security Evaluation and Certification Scheme (ENECSTI).

We collaborate with Universidad Europea de Madrid teaching a classs about “Seguridad en comunicaciones móviles” in the “Máster Universitario en Seguridad de Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones”.